Case Studies
Here are just a few of recent InsolvencyIT appointments to give a flavour of the work we can help you with...
Data recovery and hosting from national jewellery retailer in administration.
Instructed by IP to assist with the securing of client’s data during and after
trading Administration. Operating systems on bespoke software including supply
chain and accounting data essential for ongoing trading and maximisation of
Scope of work:
Discreet liaison with IT director prior to appointment to assess systems,
identify risks and minimise exposure on appointment. On appointment attendance
on-site at head office for two days working alongside IT director whilst
business was being traded in wind down. Secured full back ups of all data prior
to head office being cleared and closed. Made data available to the case
administrator to conduct statutory investigations and prepare necessary returns.
Substantial additional realisations from VAT were identified some months after
trading had ceased. The data remained available on the system for the returns to
be completed and realisations were maximised with little additional time cost
being incurred.
Data recovery and hosting from pilot training school in liquidation.
Standard data recovery and hosting from a small company whose IT equipment was
c. 20 years old. Key financial data was stored on a machine that had no USB or
other external data connection.
Scope of work:
Attend site to review systems and evaluate options to secure data. On site
reviews concluded that the machine itself would need to be preserved and it was
taken back to the hosting centre to be dismantled to enable to data to be hosted
on the central server. Made data available to the case administrator to conduct
statutory investigations and prepare necessary returns.
Ensured that, at no greater cost to the case, the IP complied with Dear IP 54
guidance so that the company’s data could be available to BIS in the event that
disqualification proceedings were instigated. Facilitated completion of
investigation and the submission of tax returns.
Working with management in
the trading and sale of a major flooring retailer
To assist the business’s management team to maximise IT resources to improve the
running of the business whilst reducing costs.
Scope of work:
Working at head office two days a week for several months to review systems and
identify cost-saving measures. Negotiate with software suppliers to reduce
overheads and ensure that hardware and software costs were controlled.
Following sale of the business to a new entity services were retained by new-co
to continue to assist with streamlining of the head office operation.